Archimedes is not a Ninja Turtle


What the hell are you talking about Collin?!?! Let me explain.

Not the Ninja Turtle part…everyone in their right mind knows all the turtles’ names. Now, back to Archimedes; he was born in Italy, he was Greek; he studied mathematics, astronomy, engineering, physics, and was an accomplished inventor. And he did this all about 2300 years ago. Also, he coined the phrase “Eureka!” (greatest accomplishment he ever had? Possibly)

History lesson over. Want to know more? You know what to do. Click –> here.

The quote above is a very famous one. I first learned of it in physics class in high school, thought nothing of it and continued to nerd out over the existence/non-existence of centrifugal force (hint – it’s not real).

I found it again, while studying Kinesiology in my first year of PT school. Muscles, levers, torque, vectors, so on and so forth. I could nerd out for a long time, but I digress.

For a third time, the quote reared it’s little head. This time, was shortly after I deadlifted an at the time, astonishing weight of 475 lbs. The picture, you see above. And it got me thinking, 2 years ago, I was not strong, I had no power, and had no idea where life was taking me. Those things are more than just physical shortcomings, but mental ones too.

All I needed were the correct tools – a fulcrum and a lever and I could move my own Earth. I did exactly that. There is no doubt, by life has changed completely – maybe I am growing up, but it’s probably not that, because I like cartoons too much. I found who I could be, I found my strength, I found my power. Two years ago, to lift a weight that size would have been impossible – I didn’t believe it, I couldn’t believe it – that is why I failed (ubiquitous Star Wars quote.) Tim S., click here

 Run tell that, Yoda.

Weights don’t have to be physical ones. We all get pulled down by one thing or another. Stress, worry, money, jobs, kids, dental appointments, or huge life altering weights. Weights so heavy and so massive, they seem to not even budge with your greatest efforts. Those are the ones we are after today.

Through CrossFit, I have found my tools to move my world. I move it every day. I found my confidence, my strength, my own voice. Truly amazing thing to find all that power and even better to know, it was like some untapped source, in hibernation, welled up, unseen, just under the surface.

Every day, it turned into a chance to suck less than the day before. Gradually over time…I continued to suck. To this day, there is not a single workout I will under-estimate, because I know what it took to get me to the point I am at now. Many people helped me along the way, coaches, friends, family, girlfriends, ex-girlfriends, roommates. They all invested something in me, that they didn’t know they were giving and I didn’t know I was getting. (Mind blown?!?!)

To me, it was being part of something, a team, a family, whatever you want to call our little ragtag group of crazy people. The craziest ones? I call them my friends. If you are planning a world altering change in your life, don’t do it without your friends and family. The decision I made to start CrossFit, was my own (that story will come later), the reason I stayed, was because of the people.

For reference, 6 weeks after 475 lbs, I lifted 515 lbs…the picture below is my seductive dance with 500 lbs.


The Dark Knight Rises?????

We are all capable of great and fantastic things in this world. If we only find the right tools to help us complete the job. I have my family, my amazing friends, my amazing job, and apparently the confidence to lift over a quarter of a ton up off the ground…for no damn reason, other then to say “What next?!”

I can do many things now I could not do 3 years ago. There are much more to come. The cool thing now is, that I know I will overcome them – some will be very hard, some I will do for fun, and some will be the natural path my life takes. I am ready now.

It does not have to be a barbell, but something in your life will get you to pick up that lever and you will see how easy it is to truly move the Earth. Go out there and move people. Move your world, or even better, help someone else move theirs. And as always, stay hungry my friends.

P.S For those of you looking for less preachy and more witty sarcasm…fine. Here is a joke my patient told me. He is 89 years old and a war veteran…

A guy goes to his cardiologist to get tests done on his failing heart. The doctor comes in after all the tests and he says “I want you to take it easy. First, you are not allowed to stand up and urinate any more, you have to sit down now.” The man says “But doc, that doesn’t make any sense, why do I have to do that?” The doctor says “I don’t want you lifting anything over 10 lbs…”

Wait for it…

Yup…he went there. You can’t be offended, he’s 89 years old. Deal with it.

That is one, in the long list of crazy, awesome people, I get to help every day.

P.P.S It was my dad’s 60th birthday on Wednesday, wish him a happy birthday, if you haven’t already. Love you dad.

One comment

  1. Reed Hittle · October 3, 2014

    Awsome Bud! You have found the force and I can’t be more pleased.


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